The Alive in Jesus Sabbath School curriculum is a Bible curriculum developed by the General Conference Sabbath School and Personal Ministries department that seeks to nurture the spiritual life of our children and youth from the time they are babies until they are 18 years of age. Alive in Jesus equips and empowers parents, caregivers, Sabbath School teachers, leaders, and others to model and foster a thriving relationship with Jesus and the children in their spheres of influence.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
(Proverbs 22:6)

Alive in Jesus
Sabbath School Curriculum


(birth-12 months)


(1-3 Years)


(4-6 Years)


(7-9 Years)


(10-12 years)


(13-14 years)


(15-18 years)


Write and design lessons that uplift Christ in a way that attracts, invites, and engages.

"With lovingkindness I have drawn you" (Jer. 31:3).


Present stories and teachings of the Bible in a clear and accurate manner.

"Rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15).


Challenge thinking, promote deep learning, and encourage reflection.

"In whom [Christ] are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge"(Col. 2:3).


Speak to the heart, and foster a saving relationship with Jesus.

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart" (Deut. 6:5).


Encourage a response to God's call to grow, share, and do His will.

"Be doers of the word, and not hearers only" (James 1:22).


We are first made alive in Jesus by the gift and power of His grace, which flows from His heart of mercy and love (see Ephesians 2:4, 5). Such gracious love for the most unworthy of sinners has power to captivate the heart and create new spiritual life in the soul. Alive in Jesus shows children and young people that Jesus loves them personally and that He offers grace and salvation to every person. This incredible gift is free, unmerited,...


When we live in an abiding relationship with Jesus and experience His grace, we allow Him to “prune” us when we need it (John 15:2), to bring about fruit (see verse 4) for His glory. The Alive in Jesus Sabbath School curriculum seeks to show all children that they are valued, loved, and accepted, while also showcasing the “fruit,” or Christlike character, that grows and develops in our hearts as we abide in Him.


When we are alive in Christ, we long for others to experience the same joy of salvation that we have received (see John 15:11; Psalm 51:12, 13). The Alive in Jesus Sabbath School curriculum seeks to foster a trusting, joy-filled, lifelong walk with Jesus that cannot be contained! It seeks to make our children active “influencers” for Jesus, who passionately share the great news of the gospel and our soon-coming Savior with others...


As Jesus becomes the center of our lives when we abide in Him, so does the Bible sit at the heart of the Alive in Jesus curriculum. It is both the bedrock and the vehicle for achieving our desired outcomes. To be alive in Christ, Jesus invites us to abide in His Word (see John 8:31; 15:7). When we choose Him, we trust Him, seek Him, and keep His Word as the central guiding principle of our lives (see 1 John 2:5). This Word is living, powerful, and sweet to our souls (see Hebrews 4:12; 1 Peter 1:23; Psalm 119:103). Through its pages we commune with Jesus, who lovingly draws us into a saving relationship with Himself (see Jeremiah 31:3).

As Ellen White shares:

“The Word of God is to be the foundation of all study, and the words of revelation, carefully studied, appeal to and strengthen the intellect as well as the heart” E. G. White,Mind, Character, and Personality (Nashville: Southern Pub. Assn., 1977), vol. 1, p. 89.

The Alive in Jesus curriculum introduces children and youth to Jesus by bringing the wonderful stories and lessons of the Bible (including a clear Seventh-day Adventist worldview and the 28 fundamental beliefs) into our lives. This curriculum shows young people that the truths of the Bible are unchanging and trustworthy, equipping them to study the Bible meaningfully for themselves in order to ultimately share the timeless truths of the Bible with others. A key goal of the Alive in Jesus curriculum is to nurture a biblical worldview in the minds of our young people so that they can see that the Bible is a lamp to their feet and a light to their path (see Psalm 119:105), and that it can be trusted to give solid guidance to all aspects of their lives.

As Ellen White shares:

“There is nothing more calculated to strengthen the intellect than the study of the Scriptures. No other book is so potent to elevate the thoughts, to give vigor to the faculties, as the broad, ennobling truths of the Bible. If God’s Word were studied as it should be, men would have a breadth of mind, a nobility of character, and a stability of purpose rarely seen in these times.” E. G. White,Steps to Christ (Mountain View, Calif.: Pacific Press Pub. Assn., 1956), p. 90.

This foundation permeates the entire curriculum, with age-appropriate strategies and Bible study embedded in the student lessons. In Kindergarten, parents are encouraged to open their Bibles as part of the daily reading to show their children how to do so. In Primary, parents help children look up answers in their own Bibles in response to questions that are asked. And in Junior, the young people are taught the first principles of independent daily Bible study, which continues to deepen through Teen and Youth. Each level teaches the important life skill of meaningful Bible study.

The central purpose of using the Bible in such an intentional way in the Alive in Jesus curriculum is to draw children and young people into a growing relationship with Jesus, the Giver of the Word, that will last forever.



The Alive in Jesus lessons bring to life the stories and truths of the Bible like never before in the minds of children and parents.

Our editors have worked closely with eight talented writers from Australia, New Zealand, America, and the United Kingdom, along with brainstormers and reviewers from all around the world, to capture the wonderful stories in the Bible in ways your child will remember for years to come.

In a practical sense, the lessons offer:

Daily, winsome, and appealing Bible stories in a way that children can understand, and deeper Bible exploration for teens and youth

Biblical takeaways that build a personal love for Jesus and His truth as shared in the Bible

Thoughtful, higher-order discussion and reflection questions that lead to personal conviction and real-life application

A diversity of response activities, built on best educational practices

Age-appropriate appeals to action and mission challenges

Encouraging spiritual messages for busy parents and teachers

Sensitivity and a broad awareness of culture and special needs in both language and artwork

Podcasts, Scripture songs, and new music that teach children Bible truths in memorable ways.

For more information on our Writing Objectives and other Features and Foci, see our Overview Brochure:


New Artwork

The new artwork in Alive in Jesus is sure to capture your child’s imagination and bring to life the Bible stories and messages in fresh ways.

This collection of thousands of new illustrations will give your child something special to look at each day as parents read the stories and discuss the meaning of each one.  We are so thankful to the twelve talented artists from United States, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Japan and Australia who have collectively painted thousands of beautiful illustrations in the Babies, Beginner, Kindergarten, Primary, and Junior lessons.


Meet the Alive in Jesus Team

General Conference Sabbath School and Personal Ministries

Nina Atcheson Ped.D. h.c., M.R.E.

Curriculum Manager and Senior Editor,

Nina is a curriculum specialist, teacher, author, and the primary architect behind the Alive in Jesus curriculum. She manages all parts of the curriculum and serves as Senior Editor of each publication.

Jim Howard, M.Min. Church Leadership


As Director of the General Conference Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department, Pastor Howard provides oversight and direction for all aspects of the Alive in Jesus curriculum.

Rosanne Peach,


As Editor, Rosanne reviews and revises many of the publication drafts submitted by our writers. She also offers insights into the art, design, and layout of our publications.

Daniel Ebenezer, M.A.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction

Associate Director

Pastor Ebenezer has served as both a pastor and a teacher. As Associate Director, he assists Elder Howard with oversight and support.

Denise Gustafson

Editorial Assistant

Denise provides organizational and editorial support for the Alive in Jesus publications and auxiliary resources. She also handles numerous communication and administrative tasks.

Meredith Herzel

Assistant Director

Meredith serves as Art Director for most of the artwork created for Alive in Jesus. She also supervises the contract process for our many independent contractors.

In addition to the team members above, several members of the General Conference Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Department have also provided contributions to the Alive in Jesus curriculum in various ways: Joe Reeves (Assistant Director), Janeth Partyka (Administrative Assistant), Fany Apaza (Administrative Assistant), Paige Swanson (Senior Editorial Assistant), and Andrew Yesudhason (Office Assistant).

Global Input and Contributions

We are so thankful to our team of talented contract writers, copyeditors, proofreaders, illustrators, designers, musicians, audio engineers, web and app developers, and all involved in the development of this huge project.

We also thank our reviewers from around the world, the special input from the Biblical Research Institute, various theologians, our lower-level and upper-level steering committees, and the division Children's Ministries Division directors, Youth directors, curriculum specialists, educators/teacher, parents, and perhaps most important of all, the children who gave input as part of our global pilot.

We are especially thankful to the division Children's Ministries directors who have been instrumental in the training and promotion of this curriculum in their regions around the world, along with the various publishing houses who have translating, printing, and distributing Alive in Jesus in many languages.